9-ئايدا, بىز 2023 Essendorf ئۈچۈن Dussendorf بىز Dussenorf غا قازىرىمىز. Our company has many kinds of Welding Rotators which consists of Conventional Welding Rotator,Self Aligning Welding Rotator and Fit Up Growing Line.This time, we introdu...
بىز 2023-يىلى گېرمانىيەلىك ESSES.202220-يىلدىن باشلاپ يولغا قويۇيمىز. We will have one booth at Hall 7. We attended this the Germany Essen Fair in 2013 and 2017, because of the COVID-19, 2022 Germany Essen Fair delay to 2023. You are welcome to see our weldi...